Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Race Day Preparation...

Well here we are.  It's race week.  I think back to our very first club meeting in Mr. Piper's room last September to now and can't help to smile while thinking about how far we've come since then.  The countless hours of planning, preparation, and practice all for this moment.  This Sunday is YOUR time to shine.  It's YOUR time to show your family, friends, and your school what you've been working for.  All this has been for YOU.  Let's take the rest of this week to adequately prepare both mentally and physically!

First and foremost, RELAX.  There is no need to stress about race day.  Yes I know, that's easier said than done.  But just know you have each given you're best effort in preparing for this day.  All that's left to do now is to give it your best shot on Sunday and let the chips fall where they may.  From our very first meeting I've stressed to each of you the importance of having FUN.  Don't lose sight of that.  Go out there and enjoy yourselves.  Your high school days are numbered and will go by in the blink of an eye.  Use every opportunity you have to learn and grow as a person...and have fun doing it! 

Find your source of motivation.  Find your source of fire and use it.  Focus.  Visualize yourself out on that race course and see yourself doing great.  Olympic athletes use "visualization" as a key tool in preparation...it works!  Mental preparation is paramount.  That goes for anything you'll ever do in life.  A friend of mine includes an interesting quote at the end of every email he sends to people:
"You will become what you think." 

Rest and Nutrition are vitally important not only the day of the race but the days leading up to the race as well.  It is important to get into the habit of properly nourishing and hydrating yourselves days before a race.  It is important to keep your body nourished in order to keep sufficient glycogen stores and a steady blood sugar level.  Eat a good mix of carbs and protein throughout the rest of this week.  Carbs for fuel, protein for recovery.  Towards the end of this week avoid the heavy fats and focus more on carbohydrate laden meals.  I've always felt 80% of exercise and preparing for competition is one's diet.  I can't stress enough the importance of having a well nourished body in preparation for battle. 

Rest!  I've cut back the practice time this week but figure we could use a good spin session this Wednesday just to keep the legs loose.  Stay loose this week.  At this point in your training you're as fast as your going to get for the race this Sunday.  Going out for a long ride this week wouldn't help as much as it would actually hurt you.  Fresh legs are key.  Just enjoy the fact that everything you have done to prepare yourselves up to this point is going to pay off.  Be positive. 

I emailed you all a race day checklist.  It's not necessary to bring everything on that list.  Use it more as a guide to help you in preparing for Sunday.  Get the small stuff like packing out of the way early so you can start focusing on the actual race.  Have a goal for race day.  Think about what you want to accomplish at the race and prepare your own personal strategy on how you're going to accomplish that goal.   Have a plan, focus, and do you're best in executing that plan.  There is strategy in everything! 

I think that's all I have for now.  I apologize for rambling.  I just want you each to have fun and succeed so I thought I'd share some thoughts and experiences I've gained in my own life.  I want NOTHING more than for each and everyone of you to go out there and accomplish everything you set out to do. 
One last thing and please pay attention to this:

Each and everyone of you are capable of FAR MORE than you think you are.

Now, Go Get 'Em!!!


Your coach.

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